The Foresteam team provides answers and solutions in environmental professions to project managers and legal entities governed by public or private law.

Project managers
(photovoltaic, wind power, public works, development, etc.)
(photovoltaïque, éolien, travaux publics, aménagement …)
Foresteam is involved throughout the process of projects, works and developments that have an impact on the environment.
By environment, we mean all the elements entering into the framework of ERC measures such as biodiversity, climate, landscape, water, and the societal and economic impact of a territory.
Our missions intervene in support or in addition to the design offices. They can anticipate issues and risks such as the study of compensatory measures with an objective of eco-responsible legal security.
Situation analysis and recommendations
Environmental risk analysis of a project on a predefined territory based on ERC measures
Financial risk analysis of any compensatory measures.
Analysis of the risk of societal rejection of a project on a predefined territory
Project management assistance on the environmental component
Foresteam is mobilized to support you throughout the environmental process of your project.
We intervene to facilitate the management of environmental constraints from A to Z.
Search for land for the implementation of compensatory measures
Support for the implementation of french ORE
Implementation of compensatory measures
Monitoring of compensatory measures
Support for impact reduction
Support for the implementation of compensation measures - Net Zéro
Integration of a project in its territory
Support or implementation of complex environmental projects

Moral people
(companies, associations, administrations ...)
(entreprises, associations, administrations …)
About us
Aware of the urgent need to act in favor of biodiversity and environmental protection, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team and a network working to implement solutions on the ground. Our objective is to reduce the impact of man on the environment while also taking into account the imperative of societal management.
Foresteam strives to offer concrete actions for the benefit of future generations.
We offer our customers to act together to pass on to future generations a healthier economic future, respectful of the environment and people.
Claude-Manuel DEGEZ
Unifying catalyst
Friendly, with a deep voice but a thoughtful word, Claude-Manuel is the man to know. After more than 15 years as a business leader and actor in the local economy, Claude-Manuel now devotes himself to what is essential for him: transmitting his values and an ecosystem in better condition.

Siegfried DAVICO
Director of environmental actions
Siegfried is the man on the ground, the one who has knowledge of the environment and speaks about it with passion. His office is the mountain, the forest, the meadow… After years of experience working on numerous engineering projects in environmental design offices, Siegfried joined us with the skills necessary to carry out the actions field in favor of biodiversity and environmental compensation.

Ingrid-Eva ABBES
Development consultancy
Ingrid-Eva brings us her marketing advice. Efficient, meticulous and professional, she will rally you to her cause and share her enthusiasm and motivation.
Her only flaw: her many qualities.

Ingrid-Eva ABBES
Development consultancy
Ingrid-Eva brings us her marketing advice. Efficient, meticulous and professional, she will rally you to her cause and share her enthusiasm and motivation.
Her only flaw: her many qualities.

Our values
The values defended by the team of men and women who drive Foresteam are found in all of its activities: driven by a feeling of humility, daring and innovation.
The team strives every day, with respect for everyone and the pursuit of objectives of environmental and human value, to create the emulation necessary for the sharing of knowledge and its application for the benefit of the common good .
Curiosity, pugnacity and competence are the key words that make us not be satisfied with our knowledge of yesterday and cultivate the development of our knowledge.
Our csr policy
The application of our values relates to the societal and environmental impact of our activity.
To monitor, control and improve our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) orientation, we adhere to the 17 UN sustainable development goals.
Among these 17 objectives, we find the principles of the circular economy by giving priority to local actors in all our missions.
Our partners and all stakeholders working with us are based on the principles and values we share.