Carbon footprint / GHG balance
A first step for the climate

What is that ?
The carbon footprint is a study that identifies and highlights the direct and indirect CO2eq emissions of a legal person, taking into account SCOPE 1, 2 & 3.
The greenhouse gas balance (GHG balance) is a regulatory study that identifies and highlights direct and indirect CO2eq emissions by taking into account SCOPE 1 & 2. SCOPE 3 is optional but recommended . Source ADEME
SCOPE 1 corresponds to direct CO2eq emissions.
SCOPE 2 corresponds to indirect CO2eq emissions linked to electricity, heating, steam and cooling networks.
SCOPE 3 corresponds to other indirect CO2eq emissions.

What's the point ?
The objective is to carry out a plan to reduce, or even compensate for, the climatic impact of a structure.
It is an essential participation of the economic and administrative world to curb the climate crisis.
The assessment of the situation is the essential prerequisite for the implementation of any action plan.
The GHG assessment is a response to a regulatory obligation. By taking all of the SCOPEs into consideration, it becomes a responsible act.
This is the first step for a coherent eco-responsible approach; The first action to be taken by a company or an administration that wants to make a difference.

Who can do a GHG assessment?
The Carbon footprint and the GHG footprint can be done internally or by an external service provider. Of course, we advise you to call us ;-)
The main advantage of using us is to make things easier for you with a team that masters the Bilan Carbone methodology developed by the Bilan Carbone association and recognized by ADEME .
This methodology formalizes the process. Indeed, service providers must follow specific training which guarantees a level of expertise related to the mission. Skills and tools are regularly updated.

How's it going ?
Our service takes place in 6 stages:
1. A first meeting to get to know each other, get organized and define the objectives
2. Establish the scope of the study (direct and indirect GHG emissions)
3. Collect and process data
4. Propose a reduction action plan adapted to the structure and the result of the study
5. Summary of the process
6. Publication of results in the ADEME database

Legal framework
The french legislation requires the realization of greenhouse gas balances:
companies with more than 500 employees (250 in the overseas regions and departments)
communities with more than 50,000 inhabitants,
to state services
to public establishments with more than 250 agents.
Failures to establish or transmit the greenhouse gas emissions report may be penalized by a fine of € 10,000 with a maximum of € 20,000 in the event of a repeat offense (Law n ° 2019- 1147 of November 8, 2019).
The carbon footprint and the BEGES are not legally obligatory for other companies and structures. They are in the moral appreciation of their leaders.

Is there any financial aid?
Yes, financial aid exists.
BPI France, in particular, subsidizes greenhouse gas emissions assessments when the study is carried out by a service provider that they recognize.
Our team has followed training recognized by ADEME which guarantees that we scrupulously follow the appropriate methods and principles.

How much does it cost ?
Our services start from 900 € HT and depend on the complexity of the structure (size, number of sites, etc.).
Taking into account the health and economic situation, we offer 2 means of payment:
a price payable in 2 installments (30/70),
a monthly rate until the end of the calendar year from 90 € HT / month.

What are the advantages ?
The Carbon footprint and the GHG footprint are tools facilitating access to markets with clients requiring this approach.
Putting solutions into practice to reduce GHG emissions can lead to financial savings.
It is an element of legal protection for the structure.
It is an approach that shows the maturity of the company on the climate issue.

Why act with us?
We work in the interest of our customers in an eco-responsible approach.
We respect a code of conduct based on our human values and our professional rigor.
We have a long-term vision of our actions and our relationships with our customers and partners.
You have the guarantee that our proposals and our actions will be in your interest and that of the environment. We act together to develop biodiversity and reduce climate impact.
The association
Carbon footprint
The ABC is the association that carries and develops the Bilan Carbone methodology created by ADEME.
It aims to position itself as the hub of the energy-climate transition.
The Bilan Carbone® is regularly updated in order to incorporate new standards, and to be as exhaustive and relevant as possible. The methodology is the most used in France in a rapidly evolving regulatory context (article 75 of Grenelle II on GHG reports).
The service provider members must have followed the training necessary to reach the required level allowing carbon balances to be carried out for third parties.