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Le coq vert, communauté d'entreprises engagées


The Green Rooster community brings together companies committed to ecological transition.
A community to train, bring together on the one hand scouts and on the other hand entrepreneurs convinced of the need to act, having already started their transition, and seeking to be informed and supported by their peers.
It brings together and resonates with local communities of entrepreneurs committed to ecological transition.


Who are the members of this community?

A very small business, an SME or an ETI engaged in the ecological transition and fulfilling at least one of the following characteristics:
Follow an energy or ecological transformation program that has benefited over the past 3 years

  • support from ADEME: financial aid, training, support for VSEs & winning SMEs on all costs, or

  • Bpifrance support: Diag Éco-Flux, Energy Transition Accelerator, Transition Accelerator, Green Loan, Green VTE or any other support module dedicated to ecological transition, or


  • of a recognized label such as

    • ISO 14 001 and its variations ENVOL and 123 Environment or EMAS ISO 50 001

      • Tourism: Green key, European Ecolabel, Green Globe

      • Transport: CO2 objective and CO2 charter

      • Catering: EcoCook

      • Printing: Imprim'Vert, Label ImpriFrance

      • Bank: Greenfin

      • Events: Label "eco-committed event"

      • Crafts: Eco-challenges

      • CSR: Ecocert Responsible Company Label, Lucie, Committed CSR (AFNOR)

      • Regional: Label Eco-responsible Companies of Brittany


  • Be a producer of renewable energies - these must represent more than half of the energies produced


  • Develop or provide technological, industrial or organizational solutions to companies in terms of ecological transition


  • Be the subject of a joint decision by Bpifrance and ADEME.


A community FOR WHAT?


Green Rooster Community Value Proposition
The Green Rooster community offers its members a set of concrete tools to promote the exchange of good practices, make them visible and accelerate their environmental and energy transition (EET):


Networking and sharing: networking and sharing of good practices through physical and digital events, access to the Tribu social network allowing to meet entrepreneurs with similar issues

Training content:

  • Access to privileged training related to EET - face-to-face and online - as well as videos showing concrete initiatives to accelerate its environmental transition.

  • Access to a documentary corpus dedicated to EET

Visibility and operational support in communication:

  • Access to a communication kit to enhance your transition process.

  • For the scouts: highlighting your company and its successes in ecological transition through articles, dedicated videos and thematic events.

  • For solution providers: visibility with a large and qualified audience.

  • For labeled clubs and associations: operational support for the organization of dedicated events, provision of content and visibility of initiatives carried out with the support of Bpifrance's communication teams.


Foresteam is committed to the Community


Foresteam confirms that it is a member of the Green Rooster community and is committed to placing the following convictions at the heart of the company's strategy:

  • Limit climate change and restore biodiversity in order to preserve ecosystem services


  • Make the ecological transition a necessity for the sustainability of the company and an opportunity for the creation of value and jobs which require an evolution of the functioning of the company


  • Promote new technological and organizational solutions and innovations

  • Federate and mobilize communities of entrepreneurs locally and thus trigger their commitment to ecological transition

  • Engage in the company's ecological transition by transforming the economic model compatible with the objective of long-term carbon neutrality

  • Put in place a strategy that significantly contributes to the challenges of protecting and preserving biodiversity and ecosystems, transitioning to a circular economy, adapting to climate change, preventing pollution and sustainable use of natural resources.

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